Here is a module handbook of compulsory and elective subjects
The Compulsory Course
- PNT20191101- Module Handbook Rocks and Soil Parent Materials
- PNT20192106- Module Handbook Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
- PNT20191203- Module Handbook Analytical Chemistry
- PNT20192107- Module Handbook Soil Chemistry
- PNT20192108- Module Handbook Genesis and Soil Classification
- PNT20192210- Module Handbook Soil Physics
- PNT20193117- Module Handbook Regional Development Planning for Agriculture
- PNT20191202- Module Handbook Nature and Properties of Soil
- PNT20192105- Module Handbook Agroclimatology
- PNT20192215- Module Handbook Water Management for Agriculture
- PNU20193107- Module Handbook Research Methodology
- PNT20193118- Module Handbook Plant Nutrient
- PNT20193119- Module Handbook Survey and Land Resources Evaluation
- PNU20194110-Module Handbook Undergraduate Thesis
- PNU20193108-Seminar
- PNU20193209-Field Work
- UNU4050-Community Service Program
The Elective Course
- PNT20192109- Module Handbook Soil Biology
- PNT20192035- Module Handbook Watershed Management
- PNT20193222- Module Handbook Analysis of Soil, Water, and Plants
- PNT20193121- Module Handbook Climate Change and Smart Farming
- PNT20192034- Module Handbook Global Warming
- PNT20193038- Module Handbook Organic Agriculture
- PNT20192039- Module Handbook Precision Agriculture
- PNT 20192213- Module Handbook Soil Laboratory Instrumentation
- PNT 20192214- Module Handbook Soil Pollution and Rehabilitation
- PNT20192041- Module Handbook Technology of Fertilizer Materials and Fertilization
- PNT20192032- Module Handbook Geomorphology and Landscape Analysis
- PNT20193120- Module Handbook Conservation
- PNT20192211- Module Handbook Soil Morphology and Classification
- PNT20192212-Module Handbook Geoinformatics for Land Resources
- PNT20193223- Module Handbook Management and Development of Land Resources
- PNT20193036-Module Handbook Remote Sensing for Agriculture
- PNT20193037- Module Handbook Disaster Risk Management
- PNT20193040- Module Handbook Legislation of Land Resources
- MBKM BBPSI-SDLP Bogor_SDL001_ArcGIS Introduction
- MBKM BBPSI-SDLP Bogor_SDL002_Soil Description
- MBKM BBPSI-SDLP Bogor_SDL003_ISCrop2.0 Introduction
- MBKM BBPSI-SDLP Bogor_SDL004_Paddy Field Polygonization
- MBKM BBPSI-SDLP Bogor_SDL005_Land Suitability
- MBKM BBPSI-SDLP Bogor_SDL006_Soil Sensor and Test Kits
- BPSI Agro-climate and Hydrology, Bogor
- BLK01_MBKM_Agro-Climate Station Introduction
- BLK02_MBKM_Climate Data Measurement and Analysis Methods for Agriculture
- BLK03_MBKM_Digitization of Climate Data for Agriculture (IoT and Big Data)
- BLK04_MBKM_Introduction and Application of Water Conservation (Rainwater Harvesting Technology and Geomembrane Dam)
- BLK05_MBKM_Introduction to Groundwater Search Technology (Geoscanner)
- BLK06_MBKM_Application of Water-Saving Agricultural Technology
- BLK07_MBKM_Survey Investigation of Irrigation Design
- BPSI Lingtan_ BLG01_Introduction To Greenhouse Gas Technology
- BPSI Lingtan_BGL02_Greenhouse gas measurement analysis
- BPSI Lingtan_BLG03_Introduction of heavy metal measurement technology
- BPSI Lingtan_BGL04_Heavy Metal Measurement Analysis
- BPSI Lingtan_BLG05_Introduction of pesticide residue measurement technology
- BPSI Lingtan_BLG06_Pesticide residue measurement analysis
- BPSI Lingtan_BLG07_Application Of Environmentally Friendly Agricultural Technology
- BPSI Lingtan_BLG08_Biochar Manufacturing Technology Innovation
- BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk_Application of Biochar and Soil Improver
- BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk_Fertilizer Standardization
- BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk_Introduction of Quality and Effectiveness Test Methodology for Fertilizers and Soil Improvers
- BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk_Introduction of Soil Analysis Materials and Methodologies
- BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk_Introduction of Soil Test Kit
- BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk_Land Optimization Through Biological Innovation and Balanced Fertilization
- BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk_Soil, Fertilizer and Plant Analysis
- BSIP DIY_MBKM_Analysis and manufacture of environmentally friendly fertilizers
- BSIP DIY_MBKM_Analysis of soil and fertilizer
- BSIP DIY_MBKM_Land management and plant irrigation
- BSIP DIY_MBKM_Mapping for agricultural land
- BSIP DIY_MBKM_Phytoremediation in Sorghum Plants
- BSIP DIY_MBKM_Skills in using laboratory equipment
- BSIP DIY_MBKM_Sorghum Rice Shallot Cultivation
- GGP Lampung_MBKM_Application of Compost and Fertilization
- GGP Lampung_MBKM_Digital Innovation in Agriculture
- GGP Lampung_MBKM_Land Preparation and Conservation
- GGP Lampung_MBKM_Plantation Management in Integrated Farming
- GGP Lampung_MBKM_Precision Farming
- GGP Lampung_MBKM_Utilization of Drones for Plantation Activities
- JAPFA_JAP20193301_Basic Data Analysis
- JAPFA_JAP20193302_Stakeholder Management
- JAPFA_JAP20193303_Horticultural Cultivation
- JAPFA_JAP20193304_Introduction to Business and Financial Management
- JAPFA_JAP20193305_Introduction to Research
- KAM01_MBKM_Cultivation of Agricultural Export Commodities
- KAM02_MBKM_Pest Control of Agricultural Export Products
- KAM03_MBKM_Horticulture Seedling
- KAM04_MBKM_Good Manufacturing Practices Agro-industry
- MBKM PPKS Medan_PPKS41_Oil Palm Plantation Agribusiness Introduction
- MBKM PPKS Medan_PPKS64_Early Warning System and Palm Oil Pest Control
- MBKM PPKS Medan_PPKS67_Management of Soil Fertility for Oil Palm Plants
- MBKM PPKS Medan_PPKS68_Palm Oil Productivity Management
- MBKM PPKS Medan_PPKS70_Marketing of Palm Oil Products
- MBKM PPKS Medan_PPKS71_Capstone Project for Mapping
- MBKM PPKS Medan_PPKS77_Capstone Soil Chemistry Project
- PUSLITKOKA_Coffee Plant Productivity Management
- PUSLITKOKA_Coffee Plant Seedling
- PUSLITKOKA_Development, Production, and Utilization of Beneficial Microbes in Plants
- PUSLITKOKA_Management of Soil Fertility for Coffee Plants
- PUSLITKOKA_Procedure of Irrigation for Coffee Plantation Land