The Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University was founded on September 27, 1946 – about a year after Indonesia declared its independence. At first, it was the merger of the Agricultural College in Klaten and the Agricultural Academy in Yogyakarta which was formally established by the Ministry of Prosperity of the Republic of Indonesia. On 19 December 1949, the government of the Republic of Indonesia legitimized the establishment of Gadjah Mada University under the Ministry of Teaching and Culture, including the Faculty of Agriculture. Until 17 August 1963, this Faculty was changed to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry (1955-1963). After that, the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology became independent entities at Gadjah Mada University.
The Soil Department has been developed by the founders of the Faculty of Agriculture since its inception. As instructed by Government Law no. 37 of 1950 article 3 concerning Gadjah Mada Universitat, former Dean of our Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Ir. Harjono Danusastro formed sections and departments. One of the departments is the Department of Soil and Fertilizer with Prof. Ir Koesnoto Setyodiwirjo as a pioneer. In 1972, the Department of Soil and Fertilizer was changed to the Department of Soil Science. It comprises 5 specializations including Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry and Fertility, Pedology, Soil and Water Management, and Agrometeorology.
In 1984, based on the Ministry of Education and Culture) No. 0553/0/1983, the term for the institution “Department” was reorganized into “Department”, followed by the conversion of the name of the institution to “Department of Soil”. The Department developed the Soil Science Study Program in 1986 based on the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 22 / DIKTI / Kep / 85 and the Director General of Higher Education No. 221 / DIKTI / Kep / 1996 which is a follow-up to the development of the National Curriculum (Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0331 / U / 1994). Starting in 2015, the name “Department” has been changed to “Department”.